Test Account Request
Request test credentials at https://bridgepaynetwork.my.site.com/TA/s/test-account-request.
Support Portal
Integrator signs up on the Integrations Support Portal to access documentation, knowledgebase and ability to enter integration cases. https://is.bridgepaynetwork.com/
Discovery Call
Our Integration Support team will schedule an introduction and discovery call to discuss details of the integration and best product fit.
Integration Phase
As your team integrates, support questions are entered to the Support Portal where they will be tracked and answered.
Once the integration and testing has been completed, submit your certification script to the Integration Support team via the Support Portal.
Certification Review
Integration Support will review certification information by using the reference number of each type of transaction (Credit sales, debit sales, void, refund, etc.). Logs are pulled and reviewed and compared to the requests of each transaction type.
Certification Issued
A certification letter will be issued to the integrator and/or reseller partners once certification has been passed.
Production Credentials
The merchant account can now be boarded to the gateway for live production processing.
Final Production Testing
Coordinate production testing and go live date with Integrations Support. Ensure proper hardware is ready.
Go Live
After all testing is successful, move to merchant processing. Support is now transferred to Gateway Technical Support.